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A - E
F - 0
P - Z
Participation shares
Payout ratio
Preferred shares
Preferred stock
Pretax income to sales
Preypayment advances
Price earnings growth (peg)
Price earnings ratio (per)
Price to cash flow (p/cf)
Property plant and equipment (ppe) at cost
Provisions (loan loss)
Peer tracker settings
Price to book value
Quick ratio
R&d expenses
R&d to sales
Redeemable preferred shares
Retention ratio
Return on assets (roa)
Return on capital employed (roce)
Return on equity (roe)
Return on gross assets (roga)
Return on gross investment
Return on net assets (rona)
Revaluation of ppe
Relevance score
Sales to accounts receivable
Sales to cash
Sales to inventory
Sales to total assets
Sales to working capital
Selling, general & administrative costs
Sg&a / sales
Shareholder equity and book value
Shareholder reserves
Short term debt
Short term investment
Short-term rating
Soon available
Staff costs
Standard & poor\'s issuer credit ratings
Total assets
Total current assets
Total debt / equity
Total deposits
Total interest bearing debt, or total financial debt
Total interest expense
Total interest income
Total liabilities & debt
Total liabilities & equity
Total operating expenses
Total policy liabilities
Total premiums earned
Total revenues
Total shareholder equity (or equity)
Total shareholder return (tsr)
Treasury stock
Unusual items
Working capital