P/Book | P/Earnings (e) 2025 | P/Earnings NTM | |
Wells Fargo & Company | Free trial | Free trial | Free trial |
International Peers | Free trial | Free trial | Free trial |
Banks | 0.97 | 9.85 | 9.89 |
DJIA | 6.02 | 19.69 | 19.19 |
United States of America | 1.25 | 12.69 | 12.92 |
"The Risk Score is a relevant measure for the assessment of a stock attractiveness. Wells Fargo & Company shows a Risk Score of 6.00.
0 corresponds to a very high risk and 10 corresponds to a very low risk."
The Risk Score for Wells Fargo & Company is significantly higher than its peer group's. This means that Wells Fargo & Company is significantly less risky than its peer group.
To analyze and assess the risk of a company, several indicators are important to look at including liquidity / volatility / debt level and capital structure. In GPRV, the aggregated Risk Score is the average of the risk indicators' scores.
The Beta is a quantitative measure of the volatility of a stock relatively to the volatility of the market. The Beta currently displayed is the 1 year Beta.
Infront Analytics uses a method of estimating volatilities based on 3 months (62 business days) historical market value fluctuations.
Volume (3-Month daily average)
Volume indicator is the average of the daily volume over the last three months in $ millions.
Market Cap
Last close Market Capitalization in $ millions.
Net Debt/Market Cap
This is the Solvency measure, it guarantees that the company has a sound capital structure.
Last published net debt / Last market cap.