International Peers | Free trial | Free trial | Free trial |
Restaurants & Bars | N/A | 7.84 | 7.92 |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
United States of America | N/A | 8.61 | 8.78 |
"The Risk Score is a relevant measure for the assessment of a stock attractiveness. Bravo Brio Restaurant Group Inc. shows a Risk Score of N/A.
0 corresponds to a very high risk and 10 corresponds to a very low risk."
The Risk Score for Bravo Brio Restaurant Group Inc. is lower than its peer group's. This means that Bravo Brio Restaurant Group Inc. is more risky than its peer group.
To analyze and assess the risk of a company, several indicators are important to look at including liquidity / volatility / debt level and capital structure. In GPRV, the aggregated Risk Score is the average of the risk indicators' scores.
The Beta is a quantitative measure of the volatility of a stock relatively to the volatility of the market. The Beta currently displayed is the 1 year Beta.
Infront Analytics uses a method of estimating volatilities based on 3 months (62 business days) historical market value fluctuations.
Volume (3-Month daily average)
Volume indicator is the average of the daily volume over the last three months in $ millions.
Market Cap
Last close Market Capitalization in $ millions.
Net Debt/Market Cap
This is the Solvency measure, it guarantees that the company has a sound capital structure.
Last published net debt / Last market cap.