International Peers | Free trial | Free trial | Free trial |
Restaurants & Bars | N/A | 8.03 | 7.88 |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Canada | N/A | 5.84 | 5.76 |
The Profitability Score is a relevant measure for the assessment of a stock attractiveness. Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc. shows a Profitability Score of N/A.
The Profitability Score for Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc. is lower than its peer group's. This means that Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc. has a lower profitability than its peer group.
Aggregated Profitability Score
In GPRV, the Aggregated Profitability Score is the average of the profitability indicators' scores.
EBIT Margin Historical
This is a weighted average of the Historical EBIT Margins.
Calculation: (using up to 5 years of historical data when available)
[EBIT Margin year N*5 + EBIT Margin year (N-1)*4 + EBIT Margin year (N-2)*3 + EBIT Margin year (N-3)*2 + EBIT Margin (N-4)] / 15
This is an estimate for EBIT Margin over the Next Twelve Months.
EBIT NTM / Net Sales NTM using estimates consensus for EBIT and Net Sales
ROCE Historical
This is a weighted average of the Historical Returns On Capital Employed.
Calculation: (using up to 5 years of historical data when available)
[ROCE year N*5 + ROCE year (N-1)*4 + ROCE year (N-2)*3 + ROCE year (N-3)*2 + ROCE year (N-4)] / 15
ROE Last
ROE (Return on Equity) is one of the most widely used measures of how well a company is performing for its shareholders, as it indicates how much was earned for each unit invested by the owners. It is a relatively straightforward benchmark for investors to compare the company's use of its equity against other investments.
ROE=Net profit after preferred dividends (Last) / Average total equity for the last 2 years (in %)
Dividend Yield NTM
This is an estimate for Dividend Yield over the Next Twelve Months.
The median of dividend per share estimates divided by the last share price.