Jumbo S.A.

Greece Country flag Greece
Sector: Toys
Ticker: BELA
ISIN: GRS282183003
Factsheet Factsheet

Market multiple valuation of Jumbo S.A. ( BELA | GRC)

The most common multiple used in the valuation of stocks is the P/Earnings NTM multiple (Price to Earnings). P/E relates the current share price with the market expectations in terms of Earnings Per Share. This multiple is used to compare a company's market value with its earnings. A company with a high P/Earnings NTM is considered to be overvalued; a company with a low P/Earnings NTM is considered to be undervalued.
The P/Earnings NTM ratio of Jumbo S.A. is significantly lower than the median of its peer group: around 14.00. The company valuation of Jumbo S.A. according to these metrics is way below the market valuation of its peer group.
The P/Earnings NTM ratio of Jumbo S.A. is lower than the average of its sector (Toys): 12.44. The company valuation of Jumbo S.A. according to these metrics is below the market valuation of its sector.
The P/Earnings NTM ratio of Jumbo S.A. is lower than its historical 5-year average: 11.1. The (current) company valuation of Jumbo S.A. is therefore below its valuation average over the last five years.

P/E Last P/E (e) 2025P/E NTM
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Stock Perf excl. Dividends (in EUR)
International Peers - Jumbo S.A.
Company NameCtryMarket
last (mUSD)
Jumbo S.A.GRC-0.00
International Peers Median0.56
Tomy Company, Ltd.JPN2 221
Mattel Inc.USA7 233
Hasbro Inc.USA8 998
Games Workshop Group PL...GBR-0.00
Nintendo Co., Ltd.JPN84 973
GPRV Analysis
Created with Highcharts 4.1.70/102/104/106/108/1010/10
Jumbo S.A.
Intl. Peers
U.S Patents No. 7,882,001 & 8,082,201
Net Sales Chart
Created with Highcharts 4.1.7Millions EUR201920202021202220232024 (e)2025 (e)2026 (e)2027 (e)050010001500
Quotes Chart

1-Year Rebased Stock Chart

  • Jumbo S.A.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.7Jan '25May '24Sep '24-30%-20%-10%0%10%20%

Did you know ?

On the Infront Analytics platform, there are two ways to identify the listed peers which most closely resemble a private firm:
- with Peer Tracker if you already know a listed peer.
Peer Tracker is a patented technology tool for building peer groups using industry classifications. The degree of similarity between two companies is calculated comparing their sector footprints and measured using comparability scores.
- with Market Screener if you have no listed peer in mind.
Market Screener is a dedicated interface for screening companies using multiple criteria, identifying peers, searching for comparable companies in a specific business sector.

About Market Multiples

Many methods can be used to value a company. In reality, business valuation is often a combination of these different approaches. One of the most widely used quantitative methods is the market multiples method. The market valuation is utilized generally as a primary market input, to provide an objective starting point for the valuation. Put simply, this method multiplies the sales or profits of a business by an industry averaged multiplier to calculate the Market Value of the business.
Current multiples include:
- Historical multiples based on standardized financials for the last completed fiscal period: Last, Last Twelve Months (LTM);
- Forward multiples based on consensus estimates for the current fiscal period and next ones: Next Twelve Months (NTM), FY0, FY1.
Current multiples based on per-share metrics (such as earnings per share or book value per share) are calculated using the last closing price, while current multiples based on company-level metrics (such as net sales, EBIT or EBITDA) are calculated using the current market cap or EV (Enterprise Value).