This feature allows you to perform full text searching inside more than 127000 documents which make up the Global Reports pdf library. English and Western European languages are supported.

The search returns a list of Documents which contain the search terms specified. One company may have multiple documents containing the search string.

  The following search options are supported
a. Simple term search:
this can take the form of a single word or quoted string.
Example: IBM or "IBM" or "International Business Machines"
A simple term search will turn up documents where the single word or the words within the quotes are found.

b. Proximity Search: Indicates that the word or phrase on the left side of the NEAR operator should be within the same sentence as the word or phrase on the right side of the NEAR operator. (Note: operator can be either NEAR or near.)
Example: "change" near "accounting principles"
Multiple proximity terms can also be combined:
Example: a NEAR b NEAR c
This means that word or phrase "a" should be near word or phrase "b", which should be near word or phrase "c."

c. Combination Searching: Terms in a query can be combined using Boolean logic AND OR or AND NOT.
A AND B Would require terms A and B to exist
e.g. Microsoft and Linux
A OR B Would require either term A or B to exist
e.g. Microsoft or Linux
A AND NOT B Would require term A to exist and term B to not exist in the search.
e.g. Microsoft and not Lin

  Search Tips
To search inside the document after download, use Adobe Acrobat's "Find" icon, type in your search term. This will allow you to navigate to the specific instance of your search term in the document.

We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0, because the program will return a list of all instances of the search term found, in context, making it the most efficient way to navigate to the search term in question.

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